Sierra stout is a physical therapist from Las Cruces, NM. She has her Doctor of Physical Therapy from Idaho State University and has 9 years of experience working in critical care and pediatrics. She is currently a travel PT in the western US for work and adventure.
She has a passion for volunteering in global healthcare crises having volunteered with several NGOs in Guatemala, Cameroon, Guinea, Panama, Colombia, and Trinidad and Tobago. Most recently, she volunteered with GoDocs aboard the Navy’s USNS Comfort hospital ship helping to support the Venezuelan refugee crisis.
Sierra is passionate about refugee populations to ensure that people receive the care and equipment they need when displaced from their homes. She’s involved with mentoring and medical capacity building by training locals to provide therapy where physical therapy does not exist.
When not working or volunteering, Sierra likes to travel and experience the outdoors on public lands backpacking, camping and hiking.