Dr. Jarone Lee is the Vice-Chief of Critical Care for the Division of Trauma, Emergency Surgery, Surgical Critical Care and Medical Director of Blake 12 Intensive Care Units at Mass General Hospital in Boston, MA. He is board certified in emergency medicine, critical care medicine, and neurologic critical care. He holds the rank of Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School and authored over 150 publications, including textbooks. He co-leads multiple committees at local, regional and national levels, including with our current COVID-19 pandemic. As a chief medical officer for MA-1 Disaster Medical Assistance Team (DMAT) in the National Disaster Medical System (NDMS) in the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), he regularly trains and deploys as a medical officer for the U.S. Government in response to disasters and other major events.

Dr. Lee also founded Health Tech Without Borders, a non-profit NGO focused on supporting humanitarian relief missions through a digital response, such as telemedicine.